Shakespeare Schools Festival ‘Macbeth’
Phase 3 students will be performing Milestone's entry to the Coram Shakespeare Festival, which will be a fantastic retelling of 'Macbeth'.
Autism & Behaviour Coffee Afternoon
Hosted by our Autism and Behaviour team, this coffee afternoon is a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents, engage in friendly conversation, and learn more about how we support your child’s development within the school setting. The team will cover: Strategies used within the school to support your child’s learning and well-being. Functions of behaviour, helping you [...]
Spring Sale – Phase 4
This will take place at main site in the TRAC building
Parent Coffee Morning
Hosted by the Speech & Language Therapy Team
World of Work Day
We are looking for anyone who would like to come and talk to Phase 3 and 4 students about the world of work! What is your occupation? Do you have any hobbies? Do you volunteer for any local or national organisations? We would love for you to come and talk to us, either as a [...]
School Photographs (individual student photographs)
Milestone@Wilmington, Milestone@SGLA and Milestone@DPA
Spring-time Afternoon Tea – Phase 4
Join us for refreshments. This will take place at Milestone main site in the Sports hall.