Design & Technology

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At Leigh Academy Milestone we value Design and Technology as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. We want every child to be happy and enthusiastic learners of Design and Technology, and to be eager to achieve their very best in order to fulfil their considerable potential. High-quality first wave teaching is central to the life of our happy and aspirational school, and we firmly believe that success is achieved through this approach in Design and Technology. Through teaching Design and Technology we aim to provide our students with the foundation to understand the world around them and to develop functional skills for their individual developmental stage. Design and Technology is used to enable our students to experience and observe the natural and humanly-constructed world, using the National Curriculum as a basis of Transdisciplinary Themes and Unit Cycles. Design and Technology is taught in collaboration with other key topics including but not limited to: Mathematics, Art, Science, IT and Geography. Whilst students access the Design and make strands of the curriculum they will be promoted to Evaluate each stage using the technological knowledge they have developed.  Where DT is most successful is when it has been linked to other subject content, and students can build on their learning through DT. It is understood that SEN students make best progress in DT subjects due to the practical and tangible outcomes. Link

At Leigh Academy Milestone students’ are taught how to cook and to apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. Instilling a love for cooking in our pupils can open the door to one of the great expressions of human creativity. Students are taught crucial life skills that will enable them to feed themselves, while considering cost and the application of skills and technical knowledge. Students are encouraged to explore the environmental and ethical implications of sourcing foods and materials, and therefore develop a better understanding of our responsibility to protect the planet. 

  • We aim to provide pupils with a DT curriculum which is relevant in our rapidly changing world. 
  • We encourage our pupils to become problem-solvers who can work creatively. We know that high-quality DT lessons can inspire children to think independently, innovatively and develop creative, procedural and technical understanding.
  • Our DT curriculum provides children with opportunities to research, generate ideas and represent them in a number of ways. Students are encouraged to explore and investigate, develop their ideas, make a product and evaluate their work. 
  • Through the use of technology, students will use their ICT skills to design, monitor and control their products. 
  • Students  will be exposed to a wide range of media and through this they will develop their knowledge, skills, vocabulary and resilience.

The teaching and implementation of the Design and Technology Curriculum  is based on the National Curriculum and linked to our Units of Inquiry to ensure a well-structured approach. It is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject, requiring creativity, resourcefulness, and imagination.

  • DT is embedded within units of inquiry, allowing Students authentic opportunities to key concepts, skills and knowledge of art and design.  
  • Students design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. The products produced in DT should be ‘something, for someone, for some purpose…’
  • High-quality teaching responds to the needs of children with adaptations made to encourage high levels of independence and involvement.
  • Misconceptions are identified through a range of assessments for learning strategies to ensure any gaps in knowledge are identified and addressed.
  • Presentation skills will be taught to ensure that students are taking pride in their design work and in work that may be shared as part of a whole class activity.
  • Where appropriate, students are confident in explaining their design work to peers and teachers and acknowledge feedback as a measure of driving work and progress forward and not a criticism to hold on to.
  • Students have a clear understanding of basic health and safety procedures and how these are linked to the equipment that they use during practical sessions.
  • Students are safe and confident when using equipment and understand and explain simple manufacturing processes that have been taught when completing any practical element.
  • With our firm belief that knowledge is transferable, our pupils are given every opportunity to participate in a wide range of learning experiences beyond their classroom and encouraged to explore links between DT and other subjects across our curriculum.
  • Leigh Academy Milestone has constructed a Design and Technology curriculum that is designed to give all pupils the knowledge and cultural capital they need to have successful lives.
  • Assessment of student’s learning in DT is ongoing monitoring of children’s understanding, knowledge and skills by the class teacher, throughout lessons. This assessment is used to identify and inform further support and challenge required by the student.
  • Students will be able to act as responsible designers; working safely with tools and equipment.
  • Students will have developed a passion, enjoyment and confidence in Design and Technology which they can then apply to other aspects of the curriculum, beyond school and into adulthood.
  • Students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to support them in carrying out day-to-day tasks.
  • Students will be equipped with the foundations to move into successful careers in areas like hospitality.