Milestone Academy Achieves IQM ‘Inclusive School Award’ and ‘Centre of Excellence’ Status

IQM Centre of Excellence Award logo

Back in June, Milestone Academy was assessed by the Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) with the aim of achieving the IQM ‘Inclusive School Award’. The IQM describes an inclusive school as one that gives all pupils regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, achievements or background the equal opportunities to succeed. 

The school faced a day of rigorous assessment by an IQM Assessor, who was extensive in his questioning, observations and evidencing. The outcome was hugely positive, with Milestone Academy not only successfully securing the nationally recognised ‘Inclusive School Award’, but also achieving the IQM ‘Centre of Excellence Award’. This additional status recognises those IQM Inclusive Schools which continue to demonstrate a commitment to outstanding levels of inclusive best practice. The IQM Assessor was full of praise for the school:

“Milestone Academy embodies the essence of inclusion, celebrating diversity through a  rich curriculum and providing robust support for parents and staff to understand  pupils’ needs. The inclusive atmosphere is palpable, from the warm greetings by staff to  the safe and secure environment where students are encouraged to take risks in their  learning and strive for excellence…. The genuine care staff have for students is evident in every  interaction, whether in classrooms or corridors. At Milestone Academy, inclusion is  woven into its policies, processes, and the people who make up the vibrant school  community. Leaders have a relentless drive to ensure that inclusion is at the heartbeat of the school community.”

Sarah Goosani, Principal, was thrilled that the school’s utter commitment to inclusion was clear for the assessor to see: “ I see my staff’s commitment everyday to making Milestone an inclusive, positive place of learning. On assessment day, we shone as a beacon of best practice and this has been recognised by Milestone also being awarded Centre of Excellence status. The leadership team at Milestone are incredibly proud of our staff and their absolute dedication to our pupils and inclusion in all its forms. A sincere thank you to them all.” 

During the course of the assessment visit, evidence was sought for the eight elements of the award:

  • The Inclusion Values of the School
  • Leadership and Management and Accountability
  • Curriculum – Structure, Pupil Engagement and Adaption
  • Teaching and Learning – Learning Environment, Planning Resources, Pedagogy
  • Assessment
  • Behaviour, Attitudes to Learning and Personal Development
  • Parents, Carers and Guardians
  • Links with Local, Wider and Global Community

Milestone demonstrated a strong performance in all elements, however one area in particular was recorded as ‘stand-out’ by the assessor:

“ One of the stand-out aspects of the IQM assessment was the conversation that was had  with parents of pupils who attend the school. The commitment to inclusivity was evident in the positive experiences shared by the parents and carers…Overall, Milestone Academy’s inclusive values are reflected in its comprehensive  support for students and their families, fostering a community where every child can thrive. The academy’s dedication to robust communication, and active parental  involvement underscores its commitment to creating an inclusive community that can  support more than just the student.”

For more information about the IQM, please visit: