Red Nose Day 2022-23

A boy is seen smiling for the camera alongside some cupcakes and biscuits he has baked.

This year for Red Nose Day we enjoyed fundraising for Comic Relief across the school. All students and staff participated in an own clothes day along with a range of activities to raise money.

Phase 1 and Stepping stones took part in a sponsored talent show, activities in class and a biscuit decorating competition. Phase 2 and M@DPA enjoyed a range of Red Nose Day Games and activities in class. Phase 3 and M@L participated in a biscuit decorating competition and a range of Red Nose Day themed activities. Phase 4 and M@W had an activity afternoon in the gym including a range of sensory and PE based Red Nose Day activities as well as a silly face biscuit competition.

In total we have raised over £270 for Comic Relief.

A young boy is seen smiling whilst decorating some biscuits he has baked.
A young boy is seen engaged in an activity in his classroom on Red Nose Day 2023.
A member of staff is seen assisting a young boy to decorate some biscuits he has made.